How to Earn Money from TeraBox?

TeraBox offers an exciting Monetization program for users. In simple steps, start earning with TeraBox.

  • Sign up on TeraBox
  • Go to the Webmaster Center
  • Upload a Video
  • Monitor your Earnings
  • Withdraw Your Funds
Earn money from terabox

Sign up on TeraBox

To register for a TeraBox account, visit their website on your PC or download the TeraBox app from the App Store or Play Store.

Go to the Webmaster Center

Once logged into TeraBox, click on User and select Webmaster Center. Now you will have 2 options to earn from TeraBox.

  1. New User Program  
  2. Video Views Program

New User Program

TeraBox offers a referral plan where you earn $0.12 for each new user you bring to the platform.

Video Views Program

With this plan, you earn $1.30 for every 1,000 video plays.

Upload a video

To start earning with a video play plan, you’ll first need to upload the video you wish to share. This step ensures your video is available for viewers, allowing you to generate income based on its performance.

Once uploaded, the video can attract views, which contribute to your revenue. This approach helps content creators monetize effectively, with earnings tied directly to the number of plays their content receives.

Monitor your Earning

The fourth step involves tracking your earned commissions, which can be done through the webmaster center on the TeraBox website. By logging into this section, you can access detailed reports showing your progress and income from shared files.

Cash rewards are updated daily between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM (GMT+8) and reflect the statistics from the previous day. This consistent update schedule helps keep you informed about your earnings and any changes in commission status.

Withdraw Your Funds

After reaching a commission threshold of $20, you are free to withdraw your earnings at any time with no fees. Simply access the withdrawal function in the webmaster center to transfer the funds directly.

This process offers flexibility and ease, allowing you to access your income conveniently whenever you’re ready. The absence of fees makes it straightforward to collect your earnings without any deductions.

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